Donate Life MS

Donate Life Mississippi is a partnership formed by Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency (MORA), Mid-South Transplant Foundation (MSTF), Mississippi Lions Eye Bank (MLEB), and Mississippi Department of Public Safety (DPS) to promote the need for organ, eye and tissue donation. 

This team works to educate Mississippi residents on the growing need for registered donors so that they can make an educated decision about donation when asked by a DPS examiner if they want to be a registered donor.

There are over 1,300 Mississippians in need of a lifesaving transplant. In the United States, there are approximately 100,000 in need of lifesaving transplants. A new person is added to that list every 8 minutes and 16 people die each day awaiting a transplant that never comes. The miracle of donation is that one organ, eye and tissue donor can help save and heal the lives of over 50 people.

To join the 1,200,000 registered donors in Mississippi go to

For more information visit these sites:

Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency:

Mid-South Transplant Foundation:

Mississippi Lions Eye Bank:

Donate Life America:


Saving a Life is Simple! Watch video to see how!